OrgaNicer Control Strip is a Control Strip Module that allows you to launch your OrgaNicer files directly from the Control Strip panel. To use this module, just place it in the Control Strip folder in the system folder and restart the computer.
To use this module you must have the Control Strip control panel installed on your computer. The Control Strip control panel is available in System Update 2.0 (and possibly earlier). There is also a shareware program called Desktop Strip that provides the same functionality as Control Strip.
Needless to say, this program won't do you much good if you don't use OrgaNicer.
The program is part of the Niklas Frykholm Shareware Package. The registration fee is $5 for the entire package. Put the money in an envelope and send it to:
Niklas Frykholm
Rothoffsv. 37 A
903 42 Umeå
If you have comments, suggestions, proposals, etc, you can reach me at: